Category: Uncategorized

  • Remembering Conrad N. Trumbore

    Remembering Conrad N. Trumbore

    After almost a year in nursing care at Kendal-Crosslands, my father, Conrad Trumbore, died peacefully July 14, 2024 at the age of 93. I was fortunate to be close by and able to sit with him before his body was removed to be donated to Temple University Medical School for teaching purposes. There will be…

  • Availability for Ministry

    Availability for Ministry

    The exploration of my future has been my project after retiring from the First UU Society of Albany, New York in June. My wife Philomena and I had our celebration of retirement with a trip to see her brother in Ireland this past summer along with a week in Edinburgh and Inverness Scotland and a…

  • Three-Month Meditation Retreat at IMS, Barre, MA

    Three-Month Meditation Retreat at IMS, Barre, MA

    I’ll be at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA from September 12 to December 5 doing their yearly Three-month Meditation Retreat. If you really need to contact me for some very important reason, please contact my wife Philomena (on her cell phone). I hope to clear out my head, deepen my concentration and mindfulness…

  • Lessons and Legacy

    Lessons and Legacy

    In the beginning of June before I retired, I read through my Annual Reports, starting back in 2000, all 24 of them.  I enjoyed this delightful trip down memory lane.  So many memorable events.  So many emotions remembering the people who have died or who are no longer part of the congregation, many of them…

  • Running for the UUA Board!

    Running for the UUA Board!

    I’m pleased to report that I have been nominated by the UUA Nominating Committee to run for the UUA Board. I hope you’ll consider voting for me. Here is a link to my campaign page!

  • Poisoned by Craving

    Poisoned by Craving

    I like eggnog.  I make it for myself from time to time.  It tastes good but I don’t crave my homemade version.  Normally, I can’t buy commercial egg nog in the store during the holidays because I am lactose intolerant.  But about a year ago, I noticed Lactaid was making eggnog during the winter holidays…

  • Choosing To Be Free

    Elephant slavery begins when they are small babies. One ancient training practice is to chain the elephant’s leg to a stake in the ground. This limits her ability to freely roam around. As the elephant grows bigger and stronger, she could easily pull up the stake and go foraging for food. She doesn’t. Even with…

  • Managing Connectivity

    I’m old enough to remember what life was like before email and FAX. When I moved to California in 1977, the only way I could communicate with my family and friends was using the telephone and by sitting down and writing a letter. People felt very, very far away back in Delaware. In those days,…

  • Celebrating the Wheel of Life

    Celebrating the Wheel of Life

    Wheels and circles are very helpful. They give us a picture of what a cycle looks like. You start at one point. You follow the outline of the circle so that it continues to get further and further away and then it starts getting closer again until you get back to the beginning. Out and…