Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Prayer (adapted)

Spirit of Life and Love,
this weekend we honor the legacy of Dr. King
            that remains in our hearts as a vibrant challenge
            to love our neighbor and work for systemic change
            to bring about the beloved community among us.

We live in times of deep division, mistrust and violence,
            times that were familiar to Dr. King.
The social progress dismantling Jim Crow and
            witnessing gains by Black people and People of Color,
                        especially the election of a Black President,
            sadly has energized racist resistance and fear.

May this backlash against the small gains
            in building a just and equitable society, not intimidate us.
May our hearts and minds remain open
            to the truth and value of racial reconciliation.
May we renew our commitment to justice and peace,
            pursued through cooperation and love.
May we be filled with the confidence,
            that we might realize and accept
            that we are all members of the same human family.
May the example of Dr. King inspire us to see one another,
            as interrelated parents, siblings, and children
            with a common origin and destiny,
            guided by the conviction, that together,
                        we can nobly fulfill the promise of our nation.

May the spirit of all that we value, and call holy,
            be our inspiration and partner
                        to create communities of justice, peace and freedom for all.

Freely adapted to be more Unitarian Universalist in spirit from this prayer: Honoring Martin Luther King: A Prayer for Progress and Peace Jan 18, 2021