Prayer for a New President

Loving God who we know in the experience of love and joy,
            in the experience of heart-break and suffering, and
            in the experience of praise and exaltation,

I invite your presence here and now as we pray,

Whether with your grace or in spite of it,
A new President of the United States of America has been inaugurated.

We pray for him/her/them and his administration this morning
that their heart, mind and will be open to your love and guidance.

We pray that they seek thy grace and guidance intentionally
            on a regular basis as they face the challenges ahead.

May you teach them the value of humbling their will before yours
            so they can begin to sense your movement in their gut,

                        And learn to separate it from their appetites and aversions.

We know that this new President is accustomed to speaking their mind
            and doing what they thinks is right.

Teach them to expand that sense of the right beyond their self-interest
            to include those who are marginalized
                         by the world and by people like them.

Show them how to listen attentively to their opponents
            that they may recognize the wisdom and truth in their arguments.
May they hold their party affiliation lightly
            and keep in mind the needs of all the American people.

May they listen to the voices and arguments of scientists
            who can present them with overwhelming evidence
                        of the dangers humans present to the planet
                                    and respond wisely to the urgent need for change.
May they be patient and attentive to the complexities
            of international relationships seeking resolutions and agreements
                        which benefit all parties.

May they keep the nuclear codes safely in the briefcase
            and thus stave off World War Three.

May they learn to value justice for all people
            as highly as winning for America.
May they protect individual freedoms and human rights
            a vital source and foundation of American greatness.

And finally, may they realize that there are greater and higher powers
            than his own mind, his own will and his own gut.
May they find the ability to humble themselves before you
            and serve thy will that transcends the will of all of us.

(c) Sam Trumbore (2017)