
Everybody as a favorite link page.  Here is mine.  Don’t know how long it will be but It will contain my top links to what I like to look at.

My favorites:


  • – the place to go for podcasts by Buddhist teachers.  They have a wide assortment to browse. My favorites are Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Tara Brach, and Carol Wilson.
  • Access to Insight – One of the best sites to find information about Theravadan Buddhist Suttas.  Great site.

Unitarian Universalist

General Interest

  • Insight Timer – This is a meditation timer with pretty bells but also a social networking feature.  You can see who else is sitting at the same time you are and make friends with them.  One thing I notice is this creates a virtual experience of Sangha.  You also get colored stars for sitting that work to stimulate my incentive to sit every day – silly but effective.  They have it for android and iPhone.
