Conrad’s parents Harry and Lola Pusey With his brother Forrest and mother in Atlantic City, NY Trumbore family photo Romantic picture of Jean and Conrad in the bloom of youth Harry & Rosemary Trumbore 1970’s Visiting Sam in 1978 in Palo Alto, CA Out walking Buffy Tending the flowers of Dallas Ave home in Newark, DE Susan Graduates from U. Del Visit to Granada in 1986 Conrad and Jean meet Philomena in 1989 Conrad & Ginnie marry in 1992 Andrew is born 1992 Passport Picture Trumbore Ahrens family reunion, Lewes, DE 1990’s Mechanicsburg High School chums 201? Elinor and Conrad Dr. Susan Trumbore giving a presentation, University of Delaware Camera in hand Favorite picture he had in his room before he died One of his thousands of cloud pictures