Climate Warming Introduction

We live in warm times.

Scientists say our climate is about 2 degrees warmer
            than it was fifty or a hundred years ago.

That is having some big effects
             that we can already see in our climate.

Warmer air holds more water.
            That means more water
                         is pulled out of the ground and plants.
            That causes more clouds and rain to fall.
            That makes storms more powerful.
            That means there is more flooding.
            And that all means more problems
                         for life forms on this planet.

And that might be creating some expectations in you
             about our future.

And that might be creating some expectations in you
             that might be very scary.

We’re going to address those expectations today.

May addressing those expectations
             motivate all of us to do something about them.

(c) Sam Trumbore (2019)

From service titled: Stop Human Extinction