Category: personal

  • Old Emails

    Old Emails

    I’ve collected a lot of files over the years, gigabytes of them. Over the years they have been backed up a number of times. Old of the collections that gets backed up a lot are emails. The email software I preferred was Eudora because it would open a window for each mailbox an email was…

  • Welcoming All Free Seekers

    Our theme this month is hospitality.  Here is what I had to say on the subject today. Call to Celebration We will be considering the theme of hospitality this morning, so I looked for a suitable nineteenth century etiquette guide for advice on just how we should be hospitable. Fortunately I was able to find…

  • Introducing Mostly Mindful Minister

    While this site isn’t completely ready for prime time, I thought I’d put a first post up so at least the world can begin to link to it.  I’m moving away from my HTML 1.0 web site I started way back in 1994 as a way to distribute my writing called Sam’s Bookshelf and Cafe…