Author: Sam Trumbore
Old Emails
I’ve collected a lot of files over the years, gigabytes of them. Over the years they have been backed up a number of times. Old of the collections that gets backed up a lot are emails. The email software I preferred was Eudora because it would open a window for each mailbox an email was…
Gone (poem)
I’ve been contemplating Shinzen Young’s method to court enlightenment by focusing on the passing away dimension of phenomena. We are usually focused on the arising of objects in consciousness as they easily capture our attention. Everything that arises in this world of impermanence eventually passes away. We tend to jump from one arising to the…
Climate Change … and You … and Us
Do you remember the movie An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore? It came out ten years ago. Do you remember how scary the predictions were? Things haven’t gotten better. I got my Science News Magazine last week and the lead article on this tenth anniversary was titled, “More Truths, Still Inconvenient.” None of the threats…
Reflections on Middle East: Not Making It Worse
Recently I’ve been reading many expressions of fear and anxiety in the social media universe. I’ve read reports that Americans are more on edge than they have been since 9/11. Although the media seems to have become desensitized to having a mass shooting at least once a day, the attack in San Bernardino has touched…
Meditation for December Holiday Stress
A Meditation for December Holiday Stress May we let go, if only for this moment, of mentally juggling our to-do lists.May we put aside, just right now, any obsessions with planning and preparing.May we also hold back desires and expectations, fears and anxieties,and just be present to this moment right now. While the holiday preparations…
A Season of Anticipation
Yes, the time is near for decorating the house, lighting candles, hanging ornaments on a tree, making festive foods, and celebrating. Rather than fairies and sugar plums, new electronic games, cell phones and action figures are occupying today’s children’s heads. Adults can have their own anticipation that goes beyond what gifts might be coming their…
Poisoned by Craving
I like eggnog. I make it for myself from time to time. It tastes good but I don’t crave my homemade version. Normally, I can’t buy commercial egg nog in the store during the holidays because I am lactose intolerant. But about a year ago, I noticed Lactaid was making eggnog during the winter holidays…
Rescued by Love
Judging from the morose Facebook posts I’ve seen, I’m sensing more than a few here today are still hurting from the election results Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. As a liberal Democrat myself, I could only stomach a little of the chatter Tuesday night and had to turn it off. With Republican controlled Senates in…
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